Our 9 Har-tru tennis courts are among the best in Palm Beach County and our Tennis program is one of the most unique in the area. We offer a rotation program on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings that allow players to be matched with others of similar abilities. For those that desire more competition, we have all-level teams that participate in the Palm Beach County Senior Tennis League. All residents are welcome to participate. We also sponsor tournaments and other fun events during the season. Our main programs run from November through April but players are also welcome during the non-rotation months as well.
We encourage everyone who would like to play tennis to come down to the Tennis Office/Pro Shop and sign up. Our pro, Jim Boardman as well as our Tennis Committee members are always happy to share information about our program.
The Tennis Program is in full swing. If you are new to the community and like to play tennis, come down to the courts any morning to register. You choose the time and days you want to play, and matches are arranged for you according to your skill level. Email us at for more info.
Tennis Rotation
We are excited to announce that the Tennis Rotation Program has officially started. And all the courts are now open. Registration forms are available in the Tennis Office during most mornings. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email the Tennis Committee at We welcome new players to join us.
Additionally, we are thrilled to have our pro Jim Boardman, back with us and available for lessons. If you’re interested in booking a lesson with Jim, please call the Tennis office at (561)303-1101.
For further information about our program, email the Tennis Committee at
2024-2025 Tennis Committee Members
Mark Melnick – Chairman
Norm Wasserstein – Team Coordinator
Beth Villanova – Events Coordinator
Mike Fallon – Ball Machine Coordinator
Jo Krokus – Summer Coordinator
Sydell Leif – Office Manager
Sara Silverman – Player Check-in
Raymond Vincent – Player Check-in
Elliott Yezer – Player Development
Tennis Center Phone Number: (561)303-1101
Please Click Below for the Tennis Registration Form 2024 – 2025

Jim is a highly experienced tennis professional who offers reasonably priced individual as well as group lessons. He also runs several no-charge introductory clinics each week. His Intro to Tennis clinics are on Tuesdays and his Intermediate Clinics are on Fridays at 11 am. These sessions are a great way to introduce you to Palm Greens tennis as well as find out your proper placement in our Rotation program.